American Cowboys (15 pics)

We all know what is western mean. But not everyone knows that Cowboys still working in America. There is nothing glamorous. They are real workaholic, who perform their work. Thanks to photographer Christopher Wilson, we can see them as such.
ChristopherWilson1 576x380 American Cowboys (15 pics)

ChristopherWilson2 576x380 American Cowboys (15 pics)

ChristopherWilson3 576x383 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson4 576x381 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson5 576x377 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson7 576x382 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson8 576x382 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson9 576x385 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson10 576x382 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson11 576x401 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson12 576x381 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson13 576x381 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson14 576x382 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson16 576x383 American Cowboys (15 pics)
ChristopherWilson18 576x381 American Cowboys (15 pics)



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