If something moves, somebody else wants to know how fast it goes, and
what version is fastest. There’s no denying it, the need for speed is
in our blood. These maximum recorded speeds recorded for mammals are
measured over various short distances.
Here I have compiled some of the fastest mammals of our planet. I hope you will like it.

A member of the cat family, the cheetah leads the way as the world’s
fastest mammal. It is Capable of speeds between 70-75 miles per hour.
Cheetah has an accelerating speed of 0-60mph in just 3 seconds.
Pronghorn Antelope
The Pronghorn
Antelope is a hoofed mammal native to North America. It is built for
maximum predator evasion, with speeds recorded varying from 40-57mph.
Pronghorn is capable of maintaining its top speed over much longer
distances due to its large heart and lungs.
Blue Wildebeest
One of two
species of wildebeest, the Blue Wildebeest is a grazing animal found in
Africa. The blue wildebeest move in large migratory herds and are
capable of speeds up to 50mph when necessary.
At one time the
second most common mammal in the world after humans, the Lion is these
days found mostly in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The lion can achieve
speeds of up to 50 miles per hour when hunting its prey.
The Springbok is
a medium sized gazelle, earning its name from its tendency to leap into
the air while running to attract a female or evade a predator. Most
commonly found in southwestern Africa it can reach running speeds of up
to 50mph.
Brown Hare
The Brown Hare
is native to much of Europe and Western Asia. Slightly larger than a
rabbit the Brown Hare is a naturally shy animal and is capable of
reaching 48mph to avoid capture.
Red Fox
The Red Fox is a
relatively small carnivorous mammal capable of running speeds of 48mph,
incidentally the same as one of their prey, the Brown Hare.
Grant’s gazelle
The Grant’s
gazelle is a mammal found on open grass plains in East Africa. The
cheetah, being one of its natural predators, it needs to be quite speedy
across the ground and can build up to a fastest speed of over 45mph.
Thomson’s gazelle
gazelle is native to Africa’s savannahs and grasslands. It can evade
predators through its ability to maintain speeds of up to 47mph while
turning quickly.
The Horse is a
common and highly domesticated animal. They have been used for centuries
to carry humans and goods as well as pull objects such as ploughs and
carts. Horses have been recorded reaching speeds of 45mph.
the fastest horse was recorded to be 50 mph per hour that makes them the third fastest animal on the planet!!!!
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