Reptiles are hypothermic (Cold blooded animals) and depend upon the external environment for their body temperature. Amphibians breathe by their gills while Reptiles have lungs to breathe. Among all the reptiles like snakes, alligators, lizards, turtles etc., only the turtles show the likelihood of Amphibians. They can survive both in water and on the land. Even some turtles can live in deserts too!
On the other hand Amphibians are vertebrates that are adapted to live on both land and water. The ancestors of these animals were the early amphibians, who are believed to have appeared on Earth during the Devonian period. Amphibians are the earliest known tetra pods. They were the first animals with backbones (vertebrates) to go from living in water to living on land. Amphibians are entirely absent from marine environments. Amphibians are good indicators of environmental health. They live in both land and water environments and are the first animals to be affected by environmental change. Amphibians are dependent for their survival on a plentiful supply of fresh water that is free of chemical contaminants and harmful microbes. Here is collection of some cutest Reptiles And Amphibians captured by 56 years old photographer Judder.
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