Eupackardia calleta
Bad hair day:
Plush Moth:
Larva of a sawfly, Cimbex femorata.:
Delirium, featuring Brachypelma smithi spiders:
Idolomantis diabolica – Devil’s Flower Mantis:
The Secret Council:
He’s back:
Cyclommatus – stag beetles – “locking horns”:
We have to admit these critters look well-dressed enough to be admitted to the Royal Ball Dance, or something similarly glamorous.
“Oh… don’t mention it” -
(all photos copyright: Igor Siwanowicz, used by permission)
“Mug-shots” for the Micropolitan Gallery
Another gorgeous macro-photography set is on display at Micropolitan Museum. The photos are by Wim van Egmond. Make sure to check out the whole collection. Some mugshots are frankly quite ugly, re-enforcing our general dislike of flies and spiders. All are fascinating, though.
Tiger Beetle with its powerful jaws
Midge’s Antennas
The Shield Bug, Coreus marginatus
(images credit: Wim van Egmond)
A Few More Fantastic Insects
Culled from here and there, these faceted visages are prime portrait material, and asking to be framed for your living room. (if your dwelling is cool enough to allow for this)
(images credit: Daniel Aqua)
(image credit: Poras Chaudhary)
(original unknown)
The Moon Moth (Luna Moth):
(image credit: Birds & Blooms, 2004)
Giant Brown Grasshopper, Israel:
(images credit: Botinok)
Weird Aranha Branca “White Spider”, similar to these.
(image credit: Sergio Velho Junior)
Treat bugs good and they will do the same to you… maybe.
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