E. Coli Bacterium Under Microscope

E. coli or Escherichia coli, named after German discoverer Theodor Escherich in 1885, is bacterium that is part of the normal flora of the gut. Some strains of this bacterium can cause food poisoning like serotype O157:H7. But most strains are part of a good flora of the gut that helps to fight against pathogenic bacterias. The most common way to get infection of E. coli is by eating contaminated food or over hands contact. The symptoms of E. coli infection, which usually starts 7 days after infection, are watery diarrhea and cramps. Illness do not need some special treatment but you should get a lot of water to prevent dehydration.
e coli bacteria E. Coli Bacterium Under Microscope
e coli bacteria1 E. Coli Bacterium Under Microscope

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e coli bacteria3 E. Coli Bacterium Under Microscope
e coli bacteria4 E. Coli Bacterium Under Microscope
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e coli bacteria7 E. Coli Bacterium Under Microscope

via: artsonearth


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