20 Cutest Zoo Babies

Aurora the Bornean Orangutan, Houston Zoo
Aurora the Bornean Orangutan, Houston Zoo
Here are some of the cutest arrivals on the zoo circuit from across the United States.
Christopher and Connor, the Malayan Tigers; San Diego Zoo
Christopher and Connor, the Malayan Tigers; San Diego Zoo

Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko, San Diego Zoo
Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko, San Diego Zoo
Wûshi the Sichuan Takin, San Diego Zoo
Wûshi the Sichuan Takin, San Diego Zoo
Caspian the Eurasian Eagle Owl, Cincinnati Zoo
Caspian the Eurasian Eagle Owl, Cincinnati Zoo
Pancake Tortoises, Cincinnati Zoo
Pancake Tortoises, Cincinnati Zoo
Garnett’s Galago, Cincinnati Zoo
Garnett’s Galago, Cincinnati Zoo
Kasi the Cheetah, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Kasi the Cheetah, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Thomson’s Gazelle, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Thomson’s Gazelle, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Aardvark, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Aardvark, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Hoffman’s Two-toed Sloth, Lincoln Park Zoo
Hoffman’s Two-toed Sloth, Lincoln Park Zoo
Rusty, Bordeaux, Chianti, and Mena, the Red-Ruffed Lemurs; Denver Zoo
Rusty, Bordeaux, Chianti, and Mena, the Red-Ruffed Lemurs; Denver Zoo
Cole, the Mini-Nubian Goat, Central Park Zoo
Cole, the Mini-Nubian Goat, Central Park Zoo
Akoni and Afara, the Red River Hogs; Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Akoni and Afara, the Red River Hogs; Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
D.J. the Patas Monkey, Rosamond Gifford Zoo
D.J. the Patas Monkey, Rosamond Gifford Zoo
Humboldt Penguins, Rosamond Gifford Zoo
Humboldt Penguins, Rosamond Gifford Zoo
Golden Lion Tamarin, Santa Barbara Zoo
Golden Lion Tamarin, Santa Barbara Zoo
Clouded Leopards, Smithsonian National Zoological Park
Clouded Leopards, Smithsonian National Zoological Park
Ariki the North Island Brown Kiwi, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

An Ma the Francois Langur, Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garde
An Ma the Francois Langur, Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garde


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