Colorful and Poisonous Frogs

Bacchanalia of colors that can be lethal Not all beautiful frogs depicted here are poisonous, but those who are – can be very deadly indeed. The most poisonous animal is not a snake or a spider. It’s a beautiful little frog! “Most frogs produce skin toxins, but the dart poison frogs from Central and South America are the most potent of all. The golden poison frog, called terribilis (the terrible), is so toxic that even touching it can be dangerous. A single terribilis contains enough poison to kill 20,000 mice or 10 people. It is probably the most poisonous animal on Earth.” (source) Click to enlarge: 382924655 9b62bbb693 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 382925179 65b2f52f95 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 382924698 d9472ae4f7 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs
382924851 07f09ac84b Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 382924622 4c15bfbdfb Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 382924891 65f50c8008 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 382925104 101a2be0c8 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs
382924955 1274fb0252 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 382925006 46fbf0974d Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 382925210 4f343997c2 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383209880 f4d0553bcd Colorful and Poisonous Frogs
382925218 60b510f9e6 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383209905 c41f961142 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383209919 624a68b9af Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383209935 d7d86daeec Colorful and Poisonous Frogs
383209941 ced400866f Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383209949 0a379e2665 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383488872 75878af962 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383488732 f4ee23435a Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383403609 c51aa916ea Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383488849 83aae07ae5 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs
383488836 41b77e20eb Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383488786 d11d0dcf89 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383488753 87a41d68a4 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383488689 479dc373bd Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383488615 b937af4367 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs
And finally, the aforementioned “Most Poisonous” Golden Poison Dart Frog: 383488921 a24bb9cc1c Colorful and Poisonous Frogs
“Mint” flavour:
383837324 ce9c2ec1ea Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383837346 fd0245ad0f m Colorful and Poisonous Frogs383837371 78fd59f534 m Colorful and Poisonous Frogs 383837418 9b87715ea1 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs
Phyllobates terribilis, shown above, has enough poison to kill 100 humans (source)
“Their poison contains toxins that dull the nerves and produce heart and repiratory (sic.) failure. The skin of an adult P. terribilis has enough batrachotoxin to kill 20,000 mice, or 100 adult humans. Two-tenths of a microgram of batrachotoxin is lethal in the human blood stream and each adult P. terribilis contains nearly 200 micrograms.”


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